I don't have any new art to upload; but did want to add some information. The library "artists in residence" event on October 20th was fun - if somewhat under-attended. There were six of us there painting and talking to visitors. I still think this is a good idea. It could have been better advertised; and we were tucked away in a back room, so less visibility. Not sure if we will be doing this again.
We also hung new art in the conference room on October 28th. That art will be up until some time in 2017. Longer showings are better.
Two other art league members and I put up artwork in the Clearwater Casino Angeline Spa today. This is a new experience and not related to the art league. The Spa will be taking 25%, but the exposure is potentially great.
I have two entries in to a brand new ferry art show - art to be displayed on one of the new ferries.
And finally, I've entered three pieces in the Collective Visions Gallery contest. I won't know the outcome of either of these two shows for at least a couple of months.
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