ONLINE STORE WEBSITE: Maggie Huft: on Zazzle
I am now on Instagram as: maggiehuft52

Thursday, December 2, 2021

December 2021

 I'm posting my Christmas "card" as promised.  This was my gift exchange for our art league holiday party - just yesterday.  These are always a lot of fun:  gift exchange, catered lunch and lots of visiting before we all go off on our holiday plans for the rest of the year - no more art meetings until January.  

Saturday, November 13, 2021

"One Rose"

 This will probably be my last new art post for the year; except for my holiday card.  The actual rose (in our yard) is more toward the yellow color; but I liked this color combination. 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

New art up

I am going to call this one Attraction for now - not set on that title.   I was given this narrow canvass and decided on this idea.   And originally I was going to have a moth; but my husband suggested the firefly, which seemed to be a better fit.  Yes, the "glows" are iridescent. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Individual Art Show

 I have not been involved in a personal art show in over three years.   Lately it's been shows with my art league members and we can usually only have 2-3 items per person.   And then nothing happened all of 2020 up until now due to Covid.  

So when I was invited to enter this one, I decided to get back into it.   It was held August 14 and 15 - hosted by a lady who has a pottery studio in a shopping area with a parking lot where we all set up:  an illustrator doing sketches, a potter on the wheel, a fractal artist, my acrylic work and of course, the pottery studio.   It was a beautiful day - not too hot, no rain.  Unfortunately, there was a studio tour going on at the same time; so visitors to our area was light.  But I did sell enough cards for a latte.   And it was a pleasant day. 

Now comes the unloading the car and putting things away.   

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Snowy Woods

 I started this one way back in the spring of 2020 sometime before my son passed.  For a long time I couldn't touch it - but here it is finally finished.  It reminds me of one of my favorite poems:  "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Nurturing Hope

I finally finished up this canvass this week.  This painting and the last seem to be from me working through issues - political and personal.  BUT - I do have an idea in mind that will be "less weight".

 "Nurturing Hope" - 14" X 18"
This is a somewhat restricted palette -
burnt sienna and iridescent gold for the skin-tones with just a bit of added white; and burnt sienna and dioxazine purple for the shading.  There is also just a bit of carbon black with the purple for the darkest areas.  And finally, iridescent pearl for the flame.  

Friday, March 5, 2021

New post at last.

 I'm just starting to get into the painting mood again.  This first piece is in response to the election results.  I guess a statement piece is a good way to get "back into it".  

""I-AM-BACK (the Phoenix)  

> the US coming back from the last four years of awful politics

> the world coming back from the pandemic

> and me coming back from the loss of my son

BTW - they did a DNA test and found markers for an early heart attack - which is what happened.


Still no art league meetings in person; but I do have two more canvasses started.