ONLINE STORE WEBSITE: Maggie Huft: on Zazzle
I am now on Instagram as: maggiehuft52

Sunday, September 29, 2024

"Giggle" - 11" X 14"

 This piece is about looking toward the holidays.  There might be a show coming up where this would be appropriate.  I had it in a halfway stage for quite a while.  It's interesting that if I don't get right back to a painting, I sometimes loose the motivation.  I had to get to this before that happened.  

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Rose Mandala - 16" round

 This piece is just a quick thing to use up some round canvasses I've had for a while.  The idea is along the lines of stained glass with the black outlines.  I don't know if it's clear; but there is a light texture on the canvass under the acrylic.  

Monday, September 2, 2024


 Newest art - acrylic - 16"X12"   There is a local show coming up in December with the theme of winter.  I hope to get in with this.  

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Zypher Revisited

 After fighting with this piece - and sharing it with a few friends; I have made changes.  Someone suggested making the figure more transparent.  And three people didn't care for the way I did the eyes in the original version.  I consider it finished now - mainly because I am tired of it.  

Comparison:  New on the left.  

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Zephyr - 18" X 24"

 TSK!  I guess this one is done.  I'm going to live with it for a while and decide.  "Zephyr" means a gentle breeze.  My art group has a show coming up based on the elements:  earth, air, fire, water.  Guess this works for "air".  

Thursday, June 27, 2024

"Sybil" - acrylic and black marker - 16" X 20"

 I started this next piece after seeing the first figure on the Internet.  It's kind of a cross between a painting and a drawing.  I thought it was an interesting concept.  

My work: Iridescent copper, burnt sienna, Iridescent Gold, Dioxazine Purple, Interference Gold and a bit of Titanium White. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

"That Look" - 16" X 20" - acrylic

I was given a couple of black canvasses a while ago.  Thought I'd try something different.  This is a limited palette:  Titanium White, Carbon Black, Iridescent Pearl, Cerulean Blue, and Interference Blue.  The eyes really glow in real lighting due to the interference blue.  Doesn't show up that way in a photograph.  This is our kitty.  She is actually a flame-point Siamese, but I didn't add the copper colors.  

Friday, May 3, 2024

"Pathway" - 16" X 20" - acrylic

 Well, I think this is done.  I will have to stare at it for a while.  

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Monochromatic study

 The Art League has a once-a-month art event.  This month is to do a monochromatic study - any color and white - any subject.  This is 12" X 16".  Not sure what use it will be later; but it was fun to do.  

EDIT:  The rim of the water cup on the left side really bothered me - so I've reworked it.  See second version:  

Thursday, March 14, 2024

"Earth Spirit GAIA"

12" X 16" <acrylic>

This is the first substantial painting I've finished in the last year and a half; and it's not all that large.  I'm starting to feel like doing things again.  I've even been to two art league meetings lately.  And I've neglected my websites too.  I have plans for those. 

I think every painting holds a challenge.  In this case, it's the backlighting.  

Saturday, February 17, 2024

New Art

 Sigh...I am desperately trying to get back up to speed with my artwork - and a lot of other things in my life.  The knees still aren't 100%; and it's hard to concentrate on normal things when body parts hurt.  This is my first creative thing for the year.  It's nothing special -- but I acquired four 6X6" free canvasses and wanted to put them to use.  "The Seasons".  

Sunday, November 19, 2023

It's been a long year

 Because of health issues, I have done almost nothing with art this year.  I am posting my holiday card below.  I have every intention of going to the art league holiday party in two weeks.  Otherwise, I have missed all the regular meetings. Briefly - the knees are still recovering after surgeries.  I still need a walker - which makes going places and working on art difficult.  Here's hoping for better things in 2024!  

I also wanted to post another project I am experimenting with:  resin layering.  The resin is the kind where you mix the resin base with a hardener (50/50).  So, in these shells, I worked in layers - painting the koi with acrylics - more resin - and more paint - to hopefully give a 3D effect.  Lots of possibilities - but also a learning curve.  Not an original idea on my part, but fun.