"We are stardust, we are golden, We are billion-year-old carbon, And we've got to get ourselves Back to the garden."
- Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
I had this one on the easel at the same time as the last - similar concept.
"We are stardust, we are golden, We are billion-year-old carbon, And we've got to get ourselves Back to the garden."
- Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
I had this one on the easel at the same time as the last - similar concept.
First painting of the year. It's actually a little darker than this photo. Not much to say about it here.
Last post for the year. I really wanted to finish this before the end of the year. It's just a silly little thing I wanted to do to use up a 16" round canvas. I doubt I will even show it anywhere. BUT, if Andy Warhol can paint soup cans - I can paint a cookie. "Yum" to avoid copywrite issues.
I am doing something a little different for this year's 5" X 7" Art League miniature exchange. I'm already done. The painting looks like a gift-wrapped box. It's a wrapped canvas that is an inch and a half deep.
The back cavity is deep; and I will include a small, wrapped oyster shell that I have painted with a little starfish in acrylics.
This piece is about looking toward the holidays. There might be a show coming up where this would be appropriate. I had it in a halfway stage for quite a while. It's interesting that if I don't get right back to a painting, I sometimes loose the motivation. I had to get to this before that happened.
This piece is just a quick thing to use up some round canvasses I've had for a while. The idea is along the lines of stained glass with the black outlines. I don't know if it's clear; but there is a light texture on the canvass under the acrylic.
Newest art - acrylic - 16"X12" There is a local show coming up in December with the theme of winter. I hope to get in with this.
After fighting with this piece - and sharing it with a few friends; I have made changes. Someone suggested making the figure more transparent. And three people didn't care for the way I did the eyes in the original version. I consider it finished now - mainly because I am tired of it.
Comparison: New on the left.
TSK! I guess this one is done. I'm going to live with it for a while and decide. "Zephyr" means a gentle breeze. My art group has a show coming up based on the elements: earth, air, fire, water. Guess this works for "air".
I started this next piece after seeing the first figure on the Internet. It's kind of a cross between a painting and a drawing. I thought it was an interesting concept.
My work: Iridescent copper, burnt sienna, Iridescent Gold, Dioxazine Purple, Interference Gold and a bit of Titanium White.
I was given a couple of black canvasses a while ago. Thought I'd try something different. This is a limited palette: Titanium White, Carbon Black, Iridescent Pearl, Cerulean Blue, and Interference Blue. The eyes really glow in real lighting due to the interference blue. Doesn't show up that way in a photograph. This is our kitty. She is actually a flame-point Siamese, but I didn't add the copper colors.